Proliferative Periostitis of Garre: Report of a Case Managed by Endodontic Treatment
Emna Garouachi1, Amira Kikly2, Neila Zokkar3 and Nabiha Douki3*
1DDS, Department of Dentistry, university hospital, Sahloul, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Monastir, Research Laboratory LR12ES11, Tunisia
2DDS, Associate professor, Department of Dentistry, university hospital, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Monastir, Research Laboratory LR12ES11, Tunisia
3DDS, Professor, Department of Dentistry, university hospital, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Monastir, Research Laboratory LR12ES11, Tunisia
*Corresponding Author: Nabiha Douki, DDS, Professor, Department of Dentistry, university hospital, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Monastir, Research Laboratory LR12ES11, Tunisia.
Published: December 30, 2023
The term “osteomyelitis” refers to infection of the bone marrow; the term “osteitis” describes involvement of the entire organ including the bone cortex. The most common provoking factors in the jaw region are a previous tooth extraction, tooth eruption, dental caries with associated periapical inflammation, periodontal infections, untreated fractures and non-odontogenic infections. Endodontic therapy, tooth extraction, and bone recontouring are all alternatives for treatment, ranging from conservative to surgical procedures. In the past, antibiotics and removal of the offending tooth followed by curettage of its socket were commonly used to treat Garre's osteomyelitis. Endodontic therapy, on the other hand, has been reported as a successful method of treating odontogenic causes of Garre's osteomyelitis.
In this article we aimed to present the clinical and radiographic findings and to discuss the endodontic treatment option for a young patient diagnosed with Garre’s osteomyelitis.
Keywords: Garre’s osteomyelitis; Periostitis; Endodontic therapy; calcium hydroxide irrigation