Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Research Article

Volume 1 Issue 4

Study on Association between E. canis Infection and its Potential Cardiac Effect.

Bipin Kumar, DB Mondal, Rajiv Kumar, Pinky Rani and Menka Kumari

Published: November 30, 2021

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This study was conducted on E. canis positive dogs to know the alteration in cardiac rhythm or other functional disorder arises due to infection. It was observed that the dogs after recovery from E.canis  infection they were showing an extra, low-amplitude, positive deflection preceding the P-wave that occurred frequently and consistently over several consecutive cardiac cycles, although it’s morphology and time interval relative to the following P wave was not constant. Post recovery exercise intolerance might be due to E.canis. Further study needs to be carried out to know the exact reason.