Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Editorial Note

Volume 1 Issue 2

Agriculture and Environment

JS Rawat

Published: October 01, 2021.

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Agriculture is one of the oldest anthropogenic activities of mankind on the Mother Earth, therefore it has close relationship with natural as well as human environment. It has many significant positive and negative impacts on environment. The agriculture sector is a very important for the survival of the human environment because it fulfills the essential needs of food of world’s population which is expected to grow to almost 10 billion by 2050. Besides providing food for the survival of human environment, it has many other positive impacts on the environment, for examples, it traps greenhouse gasses within soils and crops, reduces overland flow, mitigates flooding risk through practicing certain farming techniques, and rejuvenate the dead/dying and dwindling natural springs, streams and rivers by groundwater augmentation.