Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Review Article

Volume 8 Issue 2

Review of Performance of Existing Vertical Irregularity Indicators for Steel Framed Buildings

Brij M Shah1*, Robin Davis2, CG Nandakumar3 and Pradip Sarkar4
1M.Tech, National Institute of Technology Calicut, India
2Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology Calicut, India
3Faculty, National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India
4Professor, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India

*Corresponding Author: Brij M Shah, M.Tech, National Institute of Technology Calicut, India.

Published: February 11, 2025

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Due to architectural compulsions, buildings invite various types of irregularities due to which seismic performance of them is highly affected. With increase in such type of buildings, it is important to know the extent to which an irregularity could be introduced without causing any major damage to the structure. Different kinds of Irregularity indices are used by many previous studies for quantifying the vertical irregularities in buildings. This study discusses about the previous irregularity indicators and an attempt is made to evaluate their effectiveness to predict the seismic risk of irregular buildings. Steel buildings having various kinds of vertical irregularities such as mass, stiffness and/or strength are considered in this study and their seismic risks is evaluated. Pearson r correlation methodology is considered for correlating the irregularity indicators and the associated seismic risks and conclusions are drawn from them.

Keywords: Irregularity index; seismic risk; correlation coefficient
