Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Experimental Study

Volume 7 Issue 6

Efficacy of Bacillus Subtilis and Bucillus Pumilus Isolates on Linear Growth of Pencelium Italicum and Pencelium Degitatum In Vitro

Walid Ebrahim Mohammed Elash*
Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, 12619, Giza, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Walid Ebrahim Mohammed Elash, Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, 12619, Giza, Egypt.

Published: December 05, 2024

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An in vitro experiment was conducted to find out the antagonistic effect of tow bacterial isolates against Pencelium italicum and Pencelium digitatum, on PDA by dual culture technique using Noval ring method (Adetuyi and Cartwright 1985). A mycelial plug of Pencelium, was cut from colony margin by a 0.8 cm in diameter cork borer and placed onto the center of a Petri dish containing PDA medium. A cicular line, made with the edge of sterile 50 mm diameter glass tube dipped in suspension of tested bacteria (108 cfu/ml) and stamped on the medium surrounding the fungal inoculum. The bacterial suspension made according to the methods described by Prakong et al. (2004). Plates were incubated for 7 days at 28°C. Colony diameter of Penclium was measured and compared to control experiment where the bacterial was replaced by sterile distilled water. Four replicates used for each bacteria isolates. The results expressed as mean the percentage inhibition of the growth of the fungus using the following formula: fungal growth in control (mm)-fungal growth in treatment (mm) / fungal growth in control (mm) x 100.
