Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Editorial Note

Volume 7 Issue 1

Contribution of Women Farmers in Hill Agroforestry Systems (Has) in Uttarakhand

Himshikha Gusain*
Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, School of agriculture and Allied Science, HNB Garhwal University, India
*Corresponding Author: Himshikha Gusain, Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, School of agriculture and Allied Science, HNB Garhwal University, India.

Published: July 03, 2024

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Hill Agroforestry Systems (HAS) are often characterized by the integration of woody perennials with other crops like cereal, pulses, vegetables and livestock on steep sloppy terrain where agrarian lands are managed through terrace farming. It forms an integration of various plant species and their interactions with other ecological components which plays a crucial role in sustainable land-use management and environment conservation. Usually in hilly regions, farming is predominantly of subsistence type. Due to rough terrain and harsh climatic conditions, fear of human animal conflict and poor soil productivity, farmers here often face challenges while maintain their farmlands and the livestock.
