Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Research Article

Volume 6 Issue 5

Innovative Technology and Technical means for Preparing a Field for Machine Harvesting of Raw Cotton

Baxtiyor Shаymardanov*
"Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mexanization engineers" National Research University" National Research University, 39, Kari-Niyaziy, Tashkent 100000, Respublika Uzbekistan
*Corresponding Author: Baxtiyor Shаymardanov, "Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mexanization engineers" National Research University" National Research University, 39, Kari-Niyaziy, Tashkent 100000, Respublika Uzbekistan.

Published: May 02, 2024

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The article presents the results of research on the development of technology for growing cotton on a ridge with targeted and uniform moistening of the root system of plants, which together contributed to the creation of optimal conditions for machine harvesting of raw cotton by ensuring early maturation (for 2-3 weeks), smooth movement of the machine and high yield.

One of the main requirements when preparing a cotton field for machine harvesting is its alignment, which ensures smooth movement of the machine and a stable stable position of the harvesting machines relative to the treated cotton bushes. To use the developed technology and the sowing unit in farms using drip irrigation systems with the laying of flexible perforated irrigation tapes in the upper part of the ridge along its entire length, comb formation and sowing of cotton seeds are performed simultaneously, which allows leveling the initial sowing on the ridge of the alignment of rows to prepare the field for machine harvesting.
