Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Research Article

Volume 5 Issue 1

Phenotypic Characterization of Native Chicken in San Andres, Romblon, Philippines

Ken N Falculan*
Faculty Researcher, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture Romblon State University 5505 Philippines
*Corresponding Author: Ken N Falculan, Faculty Researcher, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture Romblon State University 5505 Philippines.

Published: July 31, 2023

DOI: 10.55162/MCAES.05.122

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Distinct breed populations can be determined by phenotypic characterization, which additionally evaluates their outward appearance and production traits in a particular environment. In order to promote their agricultural economies, the vast majority of developing and impoverished countries depend substantially on indigenous and local varieties of chicken. This study was conducted in San Andres, Romblon, and was primarily focused on level phenotypic characterization. A survey was used within this study's quantitative methodology to get the data. Within the community, both male and female native chickens exhibited an extensive spectrum of phenotypic traits. The study indicates that, despite the exception of body plumage, keepers choose identical morphological traits. Black, yellow, and brown are the characteristics identified as the present colors in determining female chickens. It describes that chicken characteristics are the main factor dictating keepers’ selection practices. Similarly, with Kampung chickens, and other local chickens in Indonesia, the plumage of chickens have no unique color or patterns; however, this study indicates decreasing variation in the plumage color of chickens.

Keywords: Genetic material; native chicken; population distribution; phenotypic characteristics