Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Research Article

Volume 4 Issue 4

Technical Aspects and cost-benefit of Fishing Business Using Purse Seine Fishing Gear at Ternate Fishing Port

Mutmainnah1, Fikri Rizky Malik2, Irsad Senen3, Yuliana4, Khamsiah A5*, Surahman6, Hikmat7, Mukminati8, Edwarsyah9
1,2,3,4,5,6Faculty of Fisheries and Science, Khairun University
7BRPL KKP, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs
8Muhammadiyah University of Makassar
9Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Teuku Umar University

*Corresponding Author: Khamsiah A, Faculty of Fisheries and Science, Khairun University, Jl. Yusuf Abdurrahman Kampus Gambesi, Ternate, North Maluku, Indonesia.

Published: March 31, 2023

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This study examines the development of the purse seine fishing business at Bastiong Fisheries Port in Ternate City regarding technical and cost-benefit aspects. Estimation of the level of business financial feasibility is analyzed using the Net Present Value (NPV) method, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method, and the Benefit Cost Ratio (B/C Ratio). The six fleets are KM. Lentera (1), KM. Nurwahidah (2), KM. Pratama Putra (3), KM. Ratu Rosari (4), KM. Salam Mesra (5), and KM. Qausar (6). The NPV, IRR, and B/C Ratio of each fleet are NPV 2,297,326,836 per year, a B/C Ratio 6 .6 per year, and an IRR of 52% per year for (1); the NPV value of 998,260,353 per year, B/C Ratio 3.5 per year, and an IRR of 49% per year for (2), the NPV value of 660,687,454 per year, B/C Ratio 2.6 per year, and IRR 50% per year for (3), the NPV value of 996,129,191 per year, B/C Ratio 3.5 per year, and IRR 35% per year for (4), the NPV value of 2,892,195,498 per year, a B/C ratio of 10.6 per year, and an IRR of 50% per year for (5). Number (6) has an NPV value of 809,122,892 per year, a B/C ratio of 3.5 per year, and an IRR of 56% per year, respectively.

Keywords: purse seine; fishing business; NPV; IRR; B/C Ratio