Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Review Article

Volume 3 Issue 5

Volumetric Fuel (Petrol) Flow Meter: An Innovation

Ashish Baldania*, Banshi Kariya, Dhaval Vaghamshi, Renish Sidapara, Keval Kakadiya, Himanshu

Saradva and Anand Sonagara

Published: November 04, 2022

DOI: 10.55162/MCAES.03.072

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Petrol pump fraud is very common nowadays. Many petrol pumps today temper the pumps such that it displays the amount as entered, but in actuality, the quantity of fuel filled in the consumer's tank is much lesser than the displayed value. The pump mans are cheating for the profit. It consists of creating a digital display for the exact volume of fuel contained in the fuel tank. The above-developed fact is considered in the project, and it is found to be an effective solution for digitally indicating the same inlet of fuel in the tank.

Keywords: Petrol Flow Meter; Flow Sensor; Digital Fuel Metering Device
