Medicon Agriculture & Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2691)

Research Article

Volume 3 Issue 3

Identifying a Most Suitable Fertilizer Combination Forsucker Formation of Anthurium Andraeanum ?Lady-Jane-Lalani?

WMDN Warigajeshta1*, YMU Anjali2 and SA Krishnarajah2

Published: August 31, 2022

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The effect of fertilizers on shoot initiation of ‘Lady Jane’ type Anthuriumandraeanum cv. ‘Lalani’ was studied under net house conditions to produce quality plants for ornamental purposes. The experiment was conducted at the Department of National Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, using tissue cultured A. andraeanumc v. ‘Lalani’ plants grown on a medium of coconut husk pieces only. Four different fertilizer combinations (T1)5g of granule (N: P: K 11:11:18) +Water soluble (N:P:K 6:30:30) + Organic liquid fertilizer, (T2) 5g of granule (N: P: K 11:11:18) + Water soluble (N:P:K 10:20:40)+ trace elements with chelated technology (liquid), (T3) 5g of granule (N:P:K 13:06:27) + Water soluble (N:P:K 10:20:40)+ trace elements with chelated technology (liquid) and (T4) 5g of granule (N:P:K 13:06:27) + Water soluble (N:P:K 20:20:20) +extracts of the sea plant were tested. The fertilizer combination T2showed best performance for parameters number of new shoots, height of plant and number of leaves. Thus 5g of slow release granule (N:P:K11:11:18) combined with Water soluble (N:P:K 10:20:40) + trace elements with chelated technology was considered the most suitable fertilizer combination for the initiation of shoots of Anthuriumandraeanum cv. ‘Lalani’ under local climatic condition in a net house with 70% shade.