Seed Setts, Single Bud Plantlets and Tissue Culture Techniques for Seed Multiplication in Sugarcane and Seed Standard
Balwant Kumar*
Published: July 20, 2022
Seed multiplication in sugarcane through conventional technique is low (1:10) that’s why there is need to increase multiplication ratio through different multiplication technique used single bud, seed setts and top portion i.e. meristmatic region of cane stalk. The notified and released sugarcane varieties those bearing high yield and higher juice quality and also it showed stability and tolerance abilities against biotic and biotic factors under changing climatic scenario. The trueness to variety depends upon its good germination percentage, high genetic & physical purity percentage, vigour and its appearance treated as standard quality seed followed the Seed acted as foundation of Agriculture Technology and modernized much of farming’s day-to-day operations also helpful to steady supply of high yielder quality seed, to get high yield. Good quality seed can give up to 15% higher yield in most of the crop. A reviewed upon the advancements of different seed multiplication techniques of sugarcane viz, single bud plantlets (SBP), spaced transplanting (STP), poly bag seedling transplanting, bud chip, sablang or sprouting, rayungan, distance planting, tjeblock, advance vertical seed multiplication, tissue culture and popular conventional methods was done, among them single bud plantlets found the best one. Keeping this above said points in view it is subsidised by the Govt. of Bihar for popularity of SBP among the farmers. Seed standard of sugarcane either in conventional method or tissue culture technique should be maintained so that farmers will get maximum production with quality seed standard.