Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)

Research Article

Volume 8 Issue 3

To Study How Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak Effected the Selected Dental Clinics in Bangalore

Dr. Parvathy Muraleedharan1* and Dr. Lakshmi Bai D2
1Hospital Executive, BGS Medical College and hospital, Nagarur, Bangalore, India
2Department of Hospital Administration, Padmasree Collage of Hospital Administration RGUHS, India

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Parvathy Muraleedharan Hospital Executive, BGS Medical College and hospital, Nagarur, Bangalore, India.

Published: February 20, 2025

DOI: 10.55162/MCMS.08.275

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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to the healthcare sector, including dental care services. Dental clinics have faced significant disruptions, including reduced patient flow, financial constraints, and implementation of new infection control protocols. This study aimed to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on selected dental clinics in Bangalore.

Aim: Study to understand how COVID -19 Pandemic outbreak effected the selected dental clinics in Bangalore.

Objectives: The study has been enumerated in two objectives, and these are (1) To study dental working conditions in dental clinics. (2) To study the clinical guidelines recommended by Dental Council of India for dental professionals. (3) To study the challenges faced by dentists while resuming dental clinics.

Methodology: An observational and retrospective analytical approach was employed, combining both observational and questionnaire methods. Data regarding the primary and secondary sources were collected. Primary data were collected from structured questionnaires with 50 dental professionals, whereas the secondary data were derived from literature pertinent to the area of study. This research has been conducted using a Purposive and Convenient techniques over a period of 3-4 months.

Result: the findings indicates that covid 19 pandemic profoundly impacted dental clinics, highlighting the need for robust infection control measures, flexible operational strategies, and resilient supply chains. By adopting comprehensive guidelines, enhancing infrastructure, and ensuring clear communication, dental clinics can better navigate future health crisis and maintain patient trust and safety.

Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially impacted dental clinics in Bangalore, affecting patient appointment, storage of equipment, decrease in patient appointments, economic strain, assurance of patient safety, lack of training and education programme for staff safety. The study highlights the need for dental clinics to adapt to the new technologies prioritizing staff safety, infection control measures and assurance to the patient on safety to ensure sustained delivery of dental care services.

Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic; dental clinics; aerosol; patient volume; economic strain; staff safety; infection control measures
