Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)

Research Article

Volume 7 Issue 3

Early Interventions in Visceral Surgery: Indications and Results at the Kankan Regional Hospital

Koundouno Aly Mampan1*, Soumaoro LT2, Diallo AA3, Camara Fl3, Diakite SY4, Dansoko S1, Koundouno S1, Sano L1, Doumbouya M1, Cherf M1, Sacko M1, Koundouno SA1, Camara ST1 and Thiam M1
1Surgery Department, Kankan Regional Hospital
2General Surgery Department, Ignace Deen National Hospital, Conakry University Hospital
3Visceral Surgery Department, Donka National Hospital, Conakry University Hospital
4Surgery Department, Entag Matoto Regional Hospital

*Corresponding Author: Koundouno Aly Mampan, Visceral Surgeon, Assistant Clinical Head of Kankan Regional Hospital.

Published: September 04, 2024

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Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the indications and results of early reinterventions in individuals of the abdomen in the general surgery department of HRK.

Material and Methods: This was a one-year prospective study, carried out in the Surgery department of the Kankan Regional Hospital, focusing on early re-interventions regardless of the location of the intervention.

Results: During this period, we operated on 1075 patients, among whom 38 cases required re-laparotomies, representing 3.53%. The average age of our patients was 29.68 years, with extremes of 7 and 75 years, mainly affecting individuals aged between 16-25 years, with a predominance of males. The majority of these patients were initially operated on in private clinics (60.53%) by unqualified personnel (76.32%). Appendicitis was the most involved condition, accounting for 44.73%. Peritonitis (68.42%) followed by digestive fistulas (18.42%) were the main postoperative indications. Clinical signs were dominated by abdominal pain. The main re-intervention procedures were peritoneal lavage (92.11%), drainage (81.58%), release of adhesions or bands (31.58%), and resection + anastomosis (26.32%). We recorded a mortality rate of 23.68%.

Conclusion: Better management of initial pathologies through the strengthening of surgical teams' skills, raising awareness and banning unqualified personnel from health centers, and improving technical facilities could contribute to a better prognosis.

Keywords: Early re-interventions; visceral surgery; indications; results; regional hospital; Kankan
