Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)

Review Article

Volume 7 Issue 3

What and When to Eat? Role of Chrono Nutrition in Disease Prevention

SK Verma1* and Riya Pareek2
1Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine, Pacific Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
2Graduate Student in Public Health, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Western Ontario

*Corresponding Author: Dr. SK Verma, Professor Emeritus, Department of Medicine, Pacific Medical College & Hospital, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.

Published: September 04, 2024

DOI: 10.55162/MCMS.07.237

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Human biology is extremely complex. It is in fact a real reflection of vast Cosmic Mind`s creation. Every bodily system is running cyclically and orderly like a systemic bodily clock. This biological clock is the human circadian system which has a period of 24 hours. Recent studies on circadian rhythm and on the consequences of its disruption- “Chronodisruption” have been expanded to a great extent. Modern life-style and environmental factors can disrupt the circadian system of the body and may lead to adverse effects on individual`s health. Furthermore, complex reciprocal relationship between metabolism and the circadian system of the body have been demonstrated. Current research evidences also provide the impact of the interaction between the circadian system and nutrition and the way this link can influence the epigenome and microbiome. Based on this whole concept, it is possible to develop nutritional strategies to manage circadian-aligned feeding that is what and when to eat in order to reduce the prevalence and burden of chronic diseases.

Keywords: Chronodisruption; Epigenetic; Nutrigenetics; Nutrimicromics
