Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)


Volume 7 Issue 1

Colloquial Conversation with the Patient: Key in the Humanist Training of The Medical Student

Humberto Correa-Rivero*
Professor of Medical Humanism and Emeritus Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the CLAEH University. Punta del Este - Uruguay
*Corresponding Author: Humberto Correa-Rivero.

Published: June 27, 2024

DOI: 10.55162/MCMS.07.221

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     The curriculum of our medical career proposes a humanistic training model for medical students that includes as objectives: increasing their self-knowledge, personal emotional growth, cognitive and critical development, fostering the spirit of solidarity, encouraging enthusiasm and balance in their academic and then professional life (and in their entire life), and an empathetic and compassionate behavior with patients.

     Different authors and scholars dedicated to humanistic training in medicine have proposed various educational models. William Branch, who can be considered a pioneer of the inclusion of humanism in undergraduate medicine, and his proposals, along with those of other authors who emphasize the value of narrative, reflection, and humanistic development integrated into clinical training, have been powerful inspirations for our program.
