Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)

Case Report

Volume 6 Issue 6

A Comparative Study for the evaluation of HemoQR strip and application in comparison to Hematology Analyzer fully automated-6 parts at Patkar Laboratory for Hemoglobin Measurement

Darshan Chandak, Sambit Ghosh*, Mahendra Dashora, Hitesh Gupta, Shraddha Rana and Sarbartha Chakraborty
SmartQR Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India
*Corresponding Author: Sambit Ghosh, SmartQR Technologies Pvt. Ltd., India.

Published: June 13, 2024

DOI: 10.55162/MCMS.06.220

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Anemia is one of the major leading health concerns globally and India is one of the leading countries contributing to the global burden of anemia. Anemia plays out differently depending on the group that is struggling with the condition. Women of reproductive age (WRA) are one of the most vulnerable groups to this condition and maternal anemia is associated with increased mortality. The physical diagnosis of anemia is often based on clinical signs alone such as pallor of the conjunctivae, nail beds, face, palms, and palmar creases. Anemia can also be determined by biomarker assessment which is Hb concentration. It is the most preferred biomarker for diagnosis. HemoQR is a Hb detection test kit consisting of a detection strip and a software application which enables immediate reporting and data-driven decision making. It is a point-of-care test based on a mobile application, making it user-friendly and low maintenance to be used anytime, anywhere. In this paper we have done a comparative study of HemoQR and Hematology Analyzer using 24 EDTA blood samples. The study was conducted in Patkar laboratory. The results showed 95% repeatability and 96% reproducibility for the Haemoglobin Detection Kit.
