Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)

Case Report

Volume 4 Issue 3

Rectal Prolapse Strangled, Necroded Revealing a Tumor in Adult, about a Case of Hospital Somine Dolo of Mopti

Traoré Djibril¹*, Traoré B¹, Coulibaly P², Coulibaly M³, Sidibé AR¹, Cissé D¹, Sangaré Sidy⁴, Kondé A⁵, Koné M¹, Traoré LI⁴, Kamissoko M S⁶, Thera T D¹, Diaby S¹ and Togo A P⁷
1Department of General Surgery, Hospital Sominé DOLO of Mopti, Mali
2Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Hospital Somine DOLO of Mopti, Mali
3Department of Biomedical Laboratory, Hospital Somine DOLO of Mopti, Mali
4Department of General Surgery, Hospital Fousseiny Daou of Kayes, Mali
5Department of Medecine, Hospital Somine Dolo of Mopti, Mali
6Department of Anesthesia and Resuscitation, Hospital Somine DOLO of Mopti, Mali
7Department of General Surgery, CHU Gabriel Touré, Bamako, Mali

*Corresponding Author: Traore Djibril, Surgeon of hospital Somine Dolo of Mopti, Mopti, Mali.

Published: February 14, 2023

DOI: 10.55162/MCMS.04.106

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Rectal prolapse long time considered a benign pathology is sometimes accompanied by rare complications to know its strangulation associated with hemorrhage and necosis. In addition to these complications mentioned above, the presence of a rectal tumor made this pathology exceptionally. The aim of our study was to report the management of a case of rectal prolapse associated with a rectal tumor. This was a 62 year old female patient who reportedly consulted in the emergency department for not reducing externalization of a necrotic rectal prolapse with presence of localized tumor. Outside from a clinical and biological anemia, the rest of the examination did not notice any particularities. The rectosigmoidal resection with colo-rectal anastomosis accoding to the Altemeier technique had occupied a large place in the management.

Keywords: Rectal Prolapse; tumor; Altemeier; Hospital Somine Dolo Mopti