Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)

Review Article

Volume 4 Issue 2

Analysis and Countermeasures Against the Persistent Mutants of Omicron Viruses

Sunao Sugihara* and Hiroshi Maiwa
Department of Human Environment, Shonan Institute of Technology, Fujisawa, Japan
*Corresponding Author: Sunao Sugihara, Department of Human Environment, Shonan Institute of Technology, Fujisawa, Japan.

Published: January 21, 2023

DOI: 10.55162/MCMS.04.099

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     This year, we reported the reasons for continuing Omicron to collect information on amino acids associated with Omicron. We found the relationship between the number of atoms (C, H, N, and O) in the amino acids to the Omicron's characteristics. Following it, we discuss the many variants of the present Omicrons to analyze more kinds of amino acids. We estimate the mix of the present Omicron and its effect on other diseases like diabetes rather than the respiratory system at the beginning time. Based on this analysis, we found the developed water will give a particular resolution.