Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)


Volume 3 Issue 4

Monkeypox Outbreak in India

Safeena Beevi SS*

Published: September 27, 2022

DOI: 10.55162/MCMS.03.068

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Monkeypox is a zoonotic viral infection due to monkeypox virus, an enveloped double-stranded DNA virus, known as the very significant orthopox viral infection after the small pox is eradicated. The two distinct genetic clades of the monkeypox virus are the central African (Congo Basin) clade and the West African clade. The 2022 monkeypox outbreak in India is caused by the West African clade of the monkeypox virus [1]. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced it as a public health emergency on July 23 and it is clinically less severe than smallpox. The global cases of monkey pox reported in 2022 outbreak is 63,117 as on 14/09/2022 and in India 14 reported cases [2].
