Pico-sized Water Information Transfers and Changes Substance Property
Sunao Sugihara1*, Kunihiko Hatanaka2 and Hiroshi Maiwa1
Published: June 24, 2022
DOI: 10.55162/MCMS.03.047
We take care of the water daily life, but people are no worried about in daily life. There is a few of research on the water as basic science. We study the fundamental theme in water, not H2O itself, which is the item that many people focus on it. Water forms a cluster of five or more with hydrogen bonds. However, we are perspective what happens if we dissociate the bonding. We find two points: a particle and wave in quantum physics of the water after dissociating hydrogen bonds. As a result, the water’s information transfers through space and affects other substances. Then, we employ some equipment to elucidate the characteristics indirectly since we cannot directly observe not only H2O itself but also the hydrogen bond-dissociated particle with instruments. So, we use the research with optical, electricity, and magnetics associated with nuclear magnetic resonance, superconducting quantum interference, far-infrared optical spectroscopy, and laser flash.