Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)

Review Article

Volume 2 Issue 3

Halalopathy: Revival of Miraculous Cure and Creation of Favourable Circumstances for Cancer Therapy

Jawad Alzeer

Published: March 03, 2022

DOI: 10.55162/MCMS.02.021

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Curing diseases and achieving complete recovery is challenging particularly with complex diseases such as cancer, where complete remission is most likely the preferred option that can be achieved. The hope for a complete recovery is inspired by cancer patients who have successfully beaten cancer and achieved a complete recovery. Despite physicians referring to these stories as “miraculous” recoveries, nevertheless, they reveal that victory over cancer can be achieved. According to Halalopathy, a key role in complete recovery is played by setting up the favourable circumstances for the cure, a process that can be achieved by involving the patient in the therapeutic process. Entropy and potential energy are inversely proportional, and both are key elements in the process of prevention and cure. The catabolic reaction is driven by entropy, while the anabolic reaction is driven by potential energy. The stimulation of potential energy and the reduction of entropy contribute greatly to the activation of the immune system and thereby create the necessary circumstances required for effective prevention and therapy. 
Keywords: Cancer; miraculous cure; potential energy; entropy; immune system
