A study to Assess the Knowledge and Opinion of the Nursing Faculty and Post Graduate students in Tirupathi Regarding Translational Research in Nursing
B Ganga Bhavani
Published: September 24, 2021.
A study to assess the knowledge, opinion of faculty and post graduate students of nursing regarding translational Research in nursing in Tirupathi was conducted on 50 nursing faculty and 50 nursing post graduate students in Tirupathi, with the objectives to find out 1. Knowledge regarding translational Research 2. Opinion regarding translational research. Method and Material It was an incidental study conducted by the investigator when nearly 500 nursing personnel came to participate in the national workshop organised by Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visva vidyalayam in Tirupathi. The study comprised of survey questionnaire of multiple choice type to elicit the information and an opinion check list. The sample of study is selected randomly from 2 groups comprised of faculty and post graduate students. The data was collected before starting of the Workshop when participants assembled for registration. Results showed that the knowledge score’s levels of nursing faculty was almost the same as that of post graduate nursing students. However, both groups showed slightly different responses on opinionnaire regarding translational research. Conclusion Translational research in nursing is not a myth and distance dream but can be a realty.
Keywords: Nursing; Evidence Based Practice; Nursing Education; Nursing Research; Translational Research; Knowledge and Opinion