Medicon Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2972-2721)

Research Article

Volume 1 Issue 2

A Study to Assess the Impact of Online Learning Among School Children in Kerala

Sreeraj R N, Soorya Joy, Lijisha P V  and Senthilkumar T

Published: September 01, 2021.

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Background: Due to the ongoing pandemic of Covid-19 almost all the sectors in the world left the traditional ways behind and the educational sector was no exception. Nowadays the school children are able to pursue their education remotely inside their most familiar physical setup, their home, with the help of information technology. This study aimed to find out the impact of this ‘online learning’ among school children. Methods: A quantitative approach which adopted a descriptive survey design was used for this study among 30 school going children from selected schools in Kerala. These 06-18 years aged children were selected using convenient sampling technique and data collection was done through a structure checklist. The collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics using Minitab Version 16. Results: The impact of online learning was graded in to positive and negative for analysis and interpretation of the data. The findings showed that majority of the school children (63.33%) were positive impacted from online learning and there was no association found between online learning and demographic variables at 5% confidence level (p<0.05). Discussion: Even though the online learning had a positive impact on school children, to get most out of the online learning, the teachers must have to adjust the materials and methods used for remote teaching to make them more interesting for the learners.