Serodetection of Human Cytomegalo Virus among Cancer Patient in Oncology Hospitals in Khartoum State, Sudan
Ali M Alhassa1, Mohamed A Abdel1, Ohood F Elbashir1 and Mutaz F Saad Hamad2*
1International Sudan University, Sudan
2Department of microbiology, Sudan University of science and technology, Sudan
*Corresponding Author: Mutaz F Saad Hamad, Department of Microbiology, College of Medical Laboratory Sciences, Sudan University of Science and Technology, P.O Box 407, Khartoum, Sudan.
Published: October 19, 2023
Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a large encapsulated double-stranded DNA virus belonging to the family Herpesvirida subfamily beta herpes viral.
Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of the human cytomegalovirus in cancer patients.
Result: A total 100 patients. Blood samples were tested for IgM and IgG antibodies using ELISA according to gender (Male 27% positive CMV IgM 73% Negative CMV IgM, 45% positive CMV IgG 55% Negative IgG) Female 7% positive CMV type o IgM 93% Negative CMV IgM ,59% positive CMV IgG 41%Negative CMV IgG. In Breast cancer patient 1% positive CMV IgM and 9 % Negative, 5% positive CMV IgG 5% Negative IgG. In prostatic cancer 4% positive CMV IgM and 3% Negative CMV IgM, 4% positive CMV IgG 3% Negative CMV IgG. In CML 9% positive CMV IgM 38% Negative CMV IgM 22% positive CMV IgG 25% Negative CMV IgG. In AML 8%positive CMV IgM 28% Negative CMV IgM 18% positive CMV IgG 18% Negative CMV IgG. According to chemotherapy 18% positive CMV IgM 58% Negative CMV IgM 36% positive CMV IgG 40% Negative CMV IgG. And according to history Blood transfusion 19%positive CMV IgM 17%Negative CMV IgM 25% positive CMV IgG 11% Negative CMV IgG while in patients with no history of blood transfusion 3% positive CMV IgM 61% Negative CMV IgM 24% positive CMV IgG 40% Negative CMV IgG.
Conclusion: According to the result of this study and the results reported by the previous studies in Sudan among the blood donors and other target groups (Haemodialysis, Organ transplant patients, and pregnant women) prove that the Cytomegalo virus was highly distributed among Cancer patients in Sudan.
Keywords: Cytomegalovirus; cancer; IgG; IgM; Blood samples; ELISA