Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)

Research Article

Volume 7 Issue 3

A Model of Transforming Seawater into Drinking Water at Conakry, Republic of Guinea

Oumar Keita1*, Alhassane 1 Diallo2 Alhassane Diakite1 and Mohamed Meli Cisse1
1Department of Hydrology, University of NZerekore, Guinea
2Department of Chemistry, University of NZerekore, Guinea

*Corresponding Author: Oumar Keita1, Department of Hydrology, University of NZerekore, PB NZerekore, Guinea.

Published: September 11, 2024

DOI: 10.55162/MCET.07.231

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In the Republic of Guinea, many populations still suffer of water shortages today, particularly in the capital Conakry. The reasons include the rapid increase in population and the lack of water supply infrastructure as well as the degradation of certain fresh water resources due to human activities. In this context, new water supply technologies must be considered. This paper propose a model for transforming seawater into drinking water. The method used is thermal distillation. To achieve this objective, seawater samples were collected in Banares beach to determine the physicochemical parameters before and after treatment using electrometric and nephelometric experimental technic. Ten (10) liters of seawater were treated and 1.5 liters obtained after thermal distillation process. The seawater physicochemical parameters were compared before and after treatment. The results shown dissolved salt rate went from 95g/l to 0.7g/l after treatment (thermal distillation). The pH varied from 5.56 to 6.89 respectively before and after treatment (thermal distillation) showing a decrease of the seawater acidity. The conductivity before and after treatment are respectively 174300 and 1402 µs/cm indicating a drastic reduction of the seawater conductivity. The turbidity varied from 92.7 to 1.11 UTN respectively before and after treatment

Keywords: Model; Desalination; Distillation; Seawater; Thermal; Transformation
