Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)

Research Article

Volume 6 Issue 5

Optimal Conditions for Carrying out an OMA on Bridges and Viaducts, Both in Terms of Environmental Excitation and The Type of Transducers Used

Giorgio Sforza* and Vladyslav Samoylenko
ESSEBI Srl, Rome, Italy
*Corresponding Author: Giorgio Sforza, ESSEBI Srl, Rome, Italy.

Published: May 09, 2024

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In accordance with the latest national standard, the dynamic characterization of bridges and viaducts has become mandatory: a necessary action for newly constructed works in terms of dynamic testing and strongly recommended in the case of verification of existing structures. Based on the experience acquired for over fifteen years, we want to classify the construction types according to the actions to which they are subjected in relation to the possibility of carrying out an efficient operational analysis. In other words, to describe the optimal solutions according to the constructive characteristics; that is, if the excitation of the wind alone is better, or if it is preferable to have it combined with road or rail traffic that occurs nearby and how much it is preferable to stay on a motorway overpass, rather than on a road along-side, but not in continuity, with another in which traffic has not been interrupted. The work aims to evaluate the type of transducers most suitable for performing OMA on this type of structure. Having established that accelerometers, although less resolute than velocimeters, allow better phase stability, we will evaluate which of them that are the best in terms of performance-cost, especially in terms of spectral noise compared to the magnitude to be measured. The potential and limitations of wireless solutions are also analyzed and compared with traditional wired ones.

Keywords: EMA; OMA; SHM; ODS; MEMS; LORAWan; Dynamic Testing; Ethernet; EtherCAT; PoE; LAN Network; FRF; IEPE; Force Balance; WIM
