Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)

Review Article

Volume 6 Issue 2

Science Centres, STI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Mfanelo Pat Ntsobi*
Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, South Africa
*Corresponding Author: Mfanelo Pat Ntsobi, Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, South Africa.

Published: February 09, 2024

DOI: 10.55162/MCET.06.194

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When considering the technical and systemic concerns of the sustainability of science centres as agents for science awareness, communication, engagement and education that are at the forefront of Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), the impact of science centres on the National System of Innovation (NSI) interventions should certainly be measured empirically, through monitoring, evaluation, and review mechanisms. This paper argues that science centres have a key role to play in Science, Technology and Innovative (STI) imperatives as well the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). To this end, the South African Framework for the Promotion of Excellence in a National Network of Science Centres (2005) is evaluated. Moreover, the positioning and role of science centres in this landscape is examined, in terms of science awareness, communication, engagement and education. The case study of the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre - the largest science centre in the Southern Hemisphere - will be utilised to further understand the role of science centres in the NSI, STI and the 4IR.

Keywords: science centres; policy; STI; 4IR; Sci-Bono Discovery Centre
