Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)

Research Article

Volume 5 Issue 6

Low Level Laser on Multilayer Skin Tumour using Monte - Carlo Simulation

Naved Alam1* and Munna Khan2
1School of Engineering Science & Technology, Jamia Hamdard, India
2Electrical Engineering Department, FET, Jamia Millia Islamia, India

*Corresponding Author: Naved Alam, School of Engineering Science & Technology, Jamia Hamdard, India.

Published: November 30, 2023

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The powerful narrow beam of single wavelength light that laser produces was the first “solution looking for the problem in 1960”. Theodore Maiman created it 1960 by illuminating a high-power flash light on a ruby rod on a silver coated surface at California’s Hughes Research Laboratory. From the most cutting-edge quantum physics labs to hospital. Laser is now ubiquitous in modern science and technology. When a laser heats up its target, a phenomenon known as photothermal interaction occurs. Proteins are denaturized, mitochondrial membrane permeability is enhanced and the mitochondria eventually evaporate. In this paper Monte-Carlo simulation method is used for the Laser tissue interaction.

This study aims to understand the temperature distribution in a multi-layered skin model during laser-induced thermotherapy for cancer treatment. model includes the epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat, muscle, blood, and an embedded tumour. The study systematically investigates the effects of various parameters such as wavelength, laser intensity, tumour absorption coefficient, and irradiation time. Proposed model can explore both the individual and combined effects of the parameters on the temperature distribution in the skin model by methodically varying the parameters. The findings may help to improve laser-induced thermotherapy, which may result in more precise and efficient skin treatment.

Keywords: Laser; Tissue; Monte-Carlo simulation
