Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)


Volume 5 Issue 4

Automation - A Curse to Industry?

Bipul Jain and Satyajeet Patnayak*
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
*Corresponding Author: Satyajeet Patnayak, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, India.

Published: October 02, 2023

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     Automation is neither a purely positive force nor an entirely negative one. It's more like a process, and its impact depends on your perspective. In simple terms, automation involves using technology to handle tasks or create products. Keep in mind that humans create technology; technology doesn't create humans. Let's break this down further.

      For some people, like those with disabilities, automation is a boon. It allows them to lead happier lives by using technology. In today's society, where differently-abled individuals might face challenges and lack motivation due to societal attitudes, automation becomes a crucial tool. It enables them to experience the world on their terms. Even if they have physical limitations, they can still excel and make a positive impact thanks to automation.

      However, there are those who view automation as a bane. For instance, someone who has lost their job due to automation might see it negatively. In the era of Industry 4.0, many tasks are automated, leading to a reduction in the need for a large workforce. Yet, it's important to note that this doesn't mean workers are no longer valuable; rather, it emphasizes the need for a smaller but more efficient workforce. Losing a job doesn't imply a lack of ability; It just means you should focus your efforts in a different way. The skills you've acquired along the way still hold value. It's not others who define your efficiency; it's your own actions that matter.

      From my perspective, automation is particularly beneficial in All sectors. At the grassroots level, workers are the ones driving efficiency. Automating certain processes can optimize these sectors. However, this should not be misinterpreted as a way to eliminate workers. Automation's primary goal is to enhance efficiency, not to replace human effort.

      Take India, for example. Many government employees might feel that having a job is enough, neglecting their responsibilities afterward. This is where automation can step in. Automated systems in areas like postal services, banking, and complaint handling can streamline operations. Automation isn't bad unless you see it as bad.

      To sum up, automation is complex and has different outcomes. Whether it's good or bad depends on your perspective. Remember, automation is a tool that can help people and processes, but it doesn't replace human input. Nevertheless, automation is also created by humans. We just need to channelize our efforts with technology to make booms.