Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)

Research Article

Volume 4 Issue 6

Mental Health in Innovation: Mobile App and Bullying

Genesis Dayana Pinto Almeida1*, Grace Alexandra Guamán Cayachi2, Tannia Judith Medina Martínez3 and Flor Karina Freire Jumbo4
1High School “Nuevo Mundo”, Ambato, Ecuador
2High School “Padre Renato Selva”
3High School “Nuevo Mundo”, Ambato, Ecuador
4University Technical of Amato, Ecuador

*Corresponding Author: Genesis Dayana Pinto Almeida, High school “Nuevo Mundo”, Ambato, Ecuador.

Published: May 30, 2023

DOI: 10.55162/MCET.04.143

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The following research paper deals with the technology in mobile phones to identify school bullying in students who are constantly raped, which can be reflected verbally, psychologically, physically and virtually through social networks. The study focuses on verifying the use of technology in health and harassment in schools by identifying conflicts between teachers and students and between students, in order to create an application to generate empathy in the classroom. The type of methodology is experimental - exploratory analyzing causes and effects, while the quantitative approach that attempts to arrive at a deductive process predominates. With regard to the collection of information, the questionnaire is used as a tool and the survey as a technique for students in the ninth grade of basic general education, as is the T.A.M. method. (Technology acceptance model). Therefore, the "AfriEndly" application proved satisfactory with-in the research according to the T.A.M. method, which revealed that the technology is accepted within the study population.

Keywords: Application; Mobile health; Mental health; Bullying; Educational harassment; mobile applications; mobile health; self-esteem