Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)

Research Article

Volume 4 Issue 5

Characteristics of Spin of a Particle in Hydrogen

Sunao Sugihara1* and Hiroshi Maiwa2
1Shonan Institute of Technology, Department of Human Environment, Fujisawa, Japan and 1) General Association Green Earth Again
2Shonan Institute of Technology, Department of Human Environment, Fujisawa, Japan

*Corresponding Author: Sunao Sugihara, Shonan Institute of Technology, Department of Human Environment and 1) General Association Green Earth Again, Fujisawa, Japan.

Published: April 03, 2023

DOI: 10.55162/MCET.04.133

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We report the hydrogen-based nuclear magnetic resonance (H-NMR), super quantum interference device (SUQUID) and electromagnetic field associating with spin which is a tiny device. Although spin has described in an angular momentum in quantum physics, the methods have not been established to detect a spin directly. So, we employ the HNMR and SUQUID in order to identify magnetization of the material. As one of examples of water, we introduce the difference of water every location. Furthermore, we explain nuclear transformation of radioactive cesium with spin. On the other hand, we discuss the interesting device of an electromagnetic field to engage placer gold and paramagnetic aluminum (insulator) in the resin as one of the medical treatments in the future. We estimate the system to discuss with spin.