Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)

Review Article

Volume 4 Issue 4

Investigation of the Impact of Future Emission Norms on the Axial Force System in Turbochargers using Measurements and Numerical Methods

Richárd Takács*
Széchenyi István University, Department of Internal Combustion Engines and Drivetrains, Egyetem tér 1, 9026, Győr Hungary
*Corresponding Author: Richárd Takács, Széchenyi István University, Department of Internal Combustion Engines and Drivetrains, Egyetem tér 1, 9026, Győr Hungary.

Published: March 24, 2023

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The use of turbochargers nowadays is growing rapidly. However, compliance with stricter environmental regulations for internal combustion engines and the need to reduce fuel consumption are emerging in the above-mentioned group of components. The documentation describes the analytical determination, measurement options and the impact on the turbocharger of axial loads, also known as axial loads, in various publications. The resulting axial force, due to the narrow axial tolerance ranges used in the turbocharger, can cause damage to its structure above a certain level. To avoid this, a so-called axial bearing is installed which, together with the damping effect of the surrounding oil film, prevents excessive rotation of the rotating part in the axial direction. However, under certain conditions, the presence of the oil film between the rotating unit and the stationary axial bearing may be eliminated by heavy stress, so that not only significant friction, but also damage to the bearings and ultimately, the turbocharger may occur. In order to avoid injuries and reduce the friction losses of the charger, it is necessary to define the stresses present here as accurately as possible and to simulate the effect of changing conditions. The purpose of this document is to process the methods and knowledge of this publication in various publications, and to assess further research options that model the impact of the stress caused by EURO 7 and further environmental standards.

Keywords: turbocharger; axial force; emission; internal combustion engines