Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)

Editorial Note

Volume 3 Issue 5

What is Medicon

Sun Jiajun*

Published: October 27, 2022

DOI: 10.55162/MCET.03.085

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     Within a year, 4 papers were published on the Medicon platform, and the article numbers were respectively MCET02012, MCET02023, M CET03073 and MCET03074. Is this an easy thing to do, or is it a little difficult, a little weight, a little capital can be enough for friends what about a thing that friends show off? This is a question that is best answered now.

     I want my friends to be able to give me my views relatively easily, but I can't sell melons and boast about myself, and say how my articles are written.... Instead of talking to himself about how good the standard of his article is, it is better to evaluate the grade of this flat platform from another angle. As long as friends establish a basic understanding and judgment of this platform, they will naturally perceive it the level of my article. To look at things should be to use the point of view of universal connection, in the case of an article, in addition to looking at the causes inherent in the article itself an article should be associated with the platform on which the article was published in this way, the question will definitely be more comprehensive. Generally speaking, a tasteful issue platform also has most of its chapters this is why journals such as Nature, Science and Cell are prized all over the world. Medicon posted my article, instead of directly commenting on how the article is, it is better to see what the Medicon platform is like.

Now let's talk about what the Medicon is?

     The west of the world is Europe, and there is a country in Europe called Germany, and in the south of Germany there is a small city named Tuttlingen. The local population is only 40,000 hanging zero, but this place is concentrated in 600 households the headquarters of the world's famous brand companies related to medical devices, so this small town is called the global capital of medical and therapeutic devices. The design scheme is provided here, the quality standard is provided here, and the relevant certificate is awarded here Medical instruments account for a little more than half of the total market value of the whole world. In terms of machine building, Germans are a kind of excellence that focuses on quality and focuses on unique skills from excavators to staplers the spirit of craftsmanship is word-of-mouth in the whole ball. Compared with the field of industrial general machinery manufacturing, medical device manufacturing is a field that especially needs the spirit of craftsmanship. Can do a certain kind of medical equipment to the extreme, there are decades of undistracted focus on the unique perseverance Force is hard to do. The small city of Tuttlingen has no less than 17,000 special inventions in medical devices every year, and the standard vertebrae they have formulated and promulgated are the universal standard vertebrae of medical devices in this world. The Medicon company, founded in 1941, is just the 600 in that small city One of the manufacturers of medical instruments with the same properties and different points of concentration. What is the status and influence of this Medicon on the whole ball? Foreign not to say, let's say domestic bar, from the Beijing Xiehe 301 to the small central hospitals in various counties, as long as it is related to surgery, it is all related to Medicon. With a vascular stent for high blood pressure, craniotomy of a brain tumor, and chiropractic implantation, Medicon is a high-end, reliable, and quality-assured representative. That's not all, because that's within it. What people did not expect was that its database was the world's largest medical research database, and the global medical research conference could not achieve its due influence without the organization of Medicon. Even more surprising is that the Medicon Open Access Platform is the most successful platform in action since the open access theory existed for more than 30 years. Its 16 open access journals provide the best platform for medical workers around the world to publish their scientific research in a timely manner. Before the new crown epidemic, there was still a vague understanding of the timely release and sharing of scientific research results, and it was believed that there was little difference between releasing one day earlier and releasing one day later. But COVID-19 has taught humanity that the difference between one day earlier and one day later is likely to be the difference between tens of thousands fewer deaths and tens of thousands more deaths. The engineering theme on the Medicon Open Access platform is the platform where I published my paper, MCET, which is a multidisciplinary integrated open access platform with data centers in India. It has become the most influential platform for the publication of engineering papers in this world, and it has created a new model for the publication and distribution of knowledge in engineering scientific research, and engineers from all walks of life around the world regard publishing a paper on this platform make an honor.

     To sum up, Medicon Open Access, this platform has a big way to go!