Medicon Engineering Themes (ISSN: 2834-7218)

Research Article

Volume 2 Issue 6

ML Enabled WhatsApp Chatbot using IBM Watson

Manasi Chhibber* and Madhulika Bhadauria

Published: May 24, 2022

DOI: 10.55162/MCET.02.045

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A chatbot mimics human interaction through voice or text interactions. Chatbots are used by businesses to interact with consumers in addition to the traditional client care channels like via phones, mails or social media. The most basic type of chatbot system handles jobs by interpreting user input and then searching its directory for content related to particular words or phrases. In a nutshell, it works as a keyword-based content retrieval system. Watson Studio provides a collaborative environment and resources to work on data in order to solve business challenges. Users may select tools for analyzing and displaying their data, cleaning and shaping it and using it for constructing and training machine learning models. Watson Assistant is a business-oriented AI chatbot. This enterprise AI technology can be used to create conversational AI applications. Since, loan application process can be extremely cumbersome, so we have developed a chatbot using IBM Watson that could help in easing this process. The chatbot has been integrated with WhatsApp using Twilio. By answering a series of standard questions related one’s application, one can see the risk percentage involved in taking the loan. This has been enabled using Machine Learning models.